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Check out our three step process below! To learn more about

our services, contact us directly!

writing notes

 step one

Note details

You will be sent a spreadsheet that contains all of the information needed to complete your thank you notes - such as name, address and gift. 


If you have your own list in place already, WithThanks will work off of this - however, name, address and gift must be included.

 step two

Note creation

Using the information provided, WithThanks will draft the content of each of your notes. You will be sent a Word Document containing drafts of your notes for your review and approval. 

writing notes
writing notes

 step three

Mailed out

Once the content of the notes has been approved, WithThanks will handwrite all of the thank you notes for you.  All of your completed thank you notes are addressed, stamped and mailed in a timely manner without you ever having to pick up a pen!


It’s that easy!

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